Cube Audio F10 Neo

Cube Audio F10 Neo is a new 10″ fullrange driver.  With ultra-powerful neodymium magnet motor and new cone geometry new Cube Audio 10 inch flagship drivers are now available. 
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Why and how do we do it

    We believe that fullrange speakers can create an illusion of live music that multiway loudspeakers struggle to match. Amazing soundstage,  absolute holography, magical midrange, open and direct sound that gives you the most emotional presentation possible of your favourite music.

    If you have ever heard a good implementation of the fullrange speaker, you know exactly what we are talking about.  

    We are very happy with the performance of Cube Audio 8″ drivers. Plenty of positive feedback from our happy customers, very enthusiastic reviews, but there still was this … “we should do more”. We knew that if we wanted to go into “even more fullrange regions”, we would have to increase the size of the driver.  The answer was 10″ design, and it happened to be a very good choice. First of all, the size increase is meaningful enough so that it really makes a difference, but on the other hand, we had to overcome plenty of traps placed by mother nature. Physics is heartless and it really did everything it could to play with us “the hard way”. 

Magnetic motor

 Research and development process of 10″ drivers lasted for over a year. The goal was to end up with something completely new, that outperforms our 8″ inch drivers in nearly all aspects. To reach our dream performance one thing was sure, due to increased moving mass, the more powerful motor design was necessary. Two new motors were developed for that purpose. One being mixed ferrite & neodymium magnets assembly and the second one is constructed completely out of neodymium magnets. The full Neodymium magnet motor contains 81 magnets with a combined weight of 1480 grams and is capable of delivering 2.4 Tesla in the magnetic gap that is 9 mm high.

  The voice coil is completely underhung with +- 3 mm excursion in 100% magnetic field strength. The maximum excursion is +- 6 mm. Since the voice coil practically does not leave the magnetic gap, with uniform field strength along all the gap height, the raw power, linearity and reduction of distortions are at their best. In order to maintain 0.01 mm tolerance of all elements, magnetic motor components are manufactured using computer-controlled CNC lathes.

The Spider

 Another unique solution is a lower suspension commonly called the “spider”.  After listening to the prototypes with manifold, even the most advanced spiders available for speaker manufacturers, we agreed that we had to develop our own solution. The issue with the spider is that by being a damper it dissipates the energy, that otherwise would be transferred into the speaker cone. It makes the speaker sound weak and dull, so we knew that it is an unacceptable way to go. We wanted a material that does not absorb energy and only transfers it. 


    After conducting many tests the solution was found and it turned out to be even better than we expected. It is 100 % linear within the maximum excursion of the speakers ( + – 6mm). It behaves like a spring. It does not consume energy by damping, it just positions the voice coil in the magnetic gap. The downside of such technology is that each spider has to be milled with a precise CNC machine. Nevertheless, the advantages are obvious and totally worth it. In order to measure the actual compliance (amount of excursion under known force) of the suspensions, we designed and custom-made the special device to do the measurements. You can see the graph with the measurement comparison of our suspension and classical (resin-soaked cloth) spider below.

Connecting the dots

   Thanks to all the technologies that we developed, we got more control over speaker behavior, sound character, frequency response, and Thiele – Small parameters, than ever before. We deeply believe that the drivers that we are presenting to you will satisfy your needs and are the fullange drivers that you were always looking for. 

    So as you can see, we are obsessed with pushing boundaries and finding the frontier of what’s possible within the fullrange speaker concept. We are driven by our passion and we will never stop looking for the best sound possible. It is not an 8-hour job for us we do it, because we love it.  If you share our passion for full range speakers, look no further. You deserve them.  

   All of our speakers, cones and voice coils are made and manually assembled in Poland. We take pride in our products and we always aim for the highest quality. 


Speaker dimensions:

Width / height = 260 mm

Depth = 107 mm

Weight = 6 kg
